
The subject and author columns of
Christian Life and GrowthHow does knowledge turn into devotion? Can I be holy without becoming self-righteous? Practical aspects of living the Christian life — without the guilt trip.
Church and Ministry
A good shepherd protects the flock from wolves, and feeds them good food. What does it look like when we conduct our churches and ministries in a biblical way?
Church History
Where did the Bible come from? What does church tradition have to do with Scripture? Who are the "church fathers"? Delving into the past to teach us more about Christianity today.
Current Affairs
What's going on in our world? What does the Bible say about political involvement? Navigating the seas of media, current affairs, and politics without losing your spiritual bearings.
Culture and Entertainment
Do you feel like a Christian misfit because you prefer art galleries to potlucks? From Battlestar Galactica to Jane Austen, this column explores the spiritual side of the art world.
Depression and Hope
A collection of articles on depression, strength, and grace.
Exploring the Word
Truth was never meant to be a mystery. We all need a clear and correct understanding of the Bible — and the critical truths about divine and human life it contains.
The Greek Geek
Greek was the international language at the time of the New Testament, and we can't understand all the nuances of the text without understanding the language and culture. Is the Bible all "Greek to you"? We can help.
The Got Questions Reading Plan
Looking for a personal devotional? Or a lesson series for a Sunday School class or small group? The Got Questions Reading Plan organizes articles from the Got Questions site in a convenient format for your use.
Science and Technology
Does the Bible contradict science? Is a seven-day creation even possible? Exploring God's creation, man's explanations, and how the Bible is still relevant.
Theology and Apologetics
Why do Christians believe what they do? Why do they choose the God of the Bible over any other religious following? Learn about the person of God and why belief in Him makes sense.
Got Questions; S. Michael HoudmannS. Michael is the founder and boss of Ministries. His goal is to provide clear, Bible-based answers to spiritual, cultural, and personal questions.
The Take Away; Kersley Fitzgerald
Kersley believes that every life moment is an opportunity to reveal God's truth and grace. And a chance for us to learn how to love each other with hard, intentional, agape love.
The Theological Engineer; Jeff Laird
The Theological Engineer is written by Jeff Laird, who strives to connect principles with practices. He has been a volunteer since 2004 and is currently an Associate Editor, working primarily on
Keep Watch; Jim Allen
Jim's calling is revealing deception in the church that will lead to the "falling away" of 2 Thessalonians 2:12. He reveals the lies behind the fancy lights and fast talk of false teachers.
The Abiding Life; Gwen Sellers
Gwen's passion is to fully embrace the abundant life she has been given in Christ and help other believers do the same so that God truth, love, and abundant grace will be revealed in our lives.
Organic Fruit; Stephanie Ismer
This blog is about bearing spiritual fruit that is a peaceful product of God, rather than a painful product of your own effort.
Divine Memorabilia; Catiana Nak Kheiyn
Not a second passes without our Heavenly Father taking notice. If we watch very closely and listen, we will see and hear God's tools at work—even in the everyday.
Compelling Truth; Robin Schumacher
An apologist and theologian, Robin's writing shows that God's truth impacts us to change what we do and what we want to do. And when our desires match God's that is when we are blessed.

wohnal; "College Books"; Creative Commons
Gord Spence; "Three Semesters Down..."; Creative Commons