Depression and Hope
A collection of articles on depression, strength, and grace.
How to Deal With Anxiety | Aug 1, 2017 It seems anxiety is unavoidable in our world today. But it's not a new phenomenon. The Bible has a lot to say about anxiety, including the fact that it's not inevitable. Read more... | Jerry Smith |
Growth through Suffering | Nov 21, 2016 Our painful experiences can result in the greatest glory to God. Pain, when turned to God's service, can produce the sweetest fruit. Read more... | Lesley Mitchell |
Anxiety | Nov 7, 2016 Receiving freedom from anxiety isn't about praying enough. It's often a long road of obedience, study, Scripture memorization, and trusting God. Read more... | Christopher Schwinger |
Peace Like a River | Jun 20, 2016 An old hymn compares the peace God brings us to a river. No matter how smooth or rough our lives may get, His peace never dries up. Read more... | Denise M. Kohlmeyer |
Feeling Unloved | May 16, 2016 Feeling unloved is a common experience, and only the presence of God's perfect love can make us understand how loved we are. Read more... | Edie Edmondson |
Pit Principles | May 9, 2016 Pits happen — to all of us. But if God leaves us in a pit, we can be sure there's a reason. Some thoughts on what we can do in the meantime. Read more... | Denise M. Kohlmeyer |
Empty Nest | May 3, 2016 Some nests are empty because the chicks have flown away. Some nests were never filled to begin with. Whichever the case, God sees and cares. Read more... | MeLissa LeFleur |
Jesus' Darkness | Apr 11, 2016 How do we deal with darkness when the Light has won but not yet claimed His prize? How did Jesus respond to the darkness in His life? Read more... | KJM |
Wilderness Experience: A Call to Change | Jan 27, 2016 The Bible says looking upon the Lord of Glory will change us into His image. Sometimes we experience this all best in the wilderness. Read more... | Jim Allen |
Self Harm: Spiritual Healing | Jan 18, 2016 Self-harm is a coping mechanism for a greater, deeper pain. Treating the symptoms is woefully inadequate without spiritual healing of the wounded heart. Read more... | Lea Ann McCombs |
Self Harm: Practical Help | Jan 18, 2016 There are those whose hearts are so injured that wounding the body provides relief. But there are practical steps to help those who self-harm. Read more... | T. Jaden Ozwell |
Christmas with Mental Illness | Dec 7 2015 The Christmas season can be difficult enough with an over-busy schedule and too many social gatherings. Friends and family with mental illnesses need our grace and understanding. Read more... | T. Jaden Ozwell |
Depression in the Bible | Aug 11, 2015 Does the Bible talk about depression? What did Moses, Jacob, and Gideon know about depression? Read more... | Dean Revell |
Hypersensitivity: How Offensive! | Jun 18 2015 Hypersensitive people are said to wear their hearts on their sleeves. Is this a good thing? How can we stop being so offended? Read more... | Beth Hyduke |
Mental Health and Life Transitions: Personality Disorders | Apr/May 2015 How does do personality disorders, depression, and anxiety disorders affect normal life transitions? How can friends and family support those who suffer from mental health issues? Personality Disorders Depression Anxiety Disorders The Church Start Here | T. Jaden Ozwell |
Guilt Trip: Freedom from a Guilty Conscience | Apr 2015 Guilty Conscience: How can a person escape the feeling and the reality of a guilty conscience? Guilt Trip: Are you tired of feeling guilty and condemned in your walk with God? Start Here | Stephanie Ismer |
Discouraged? | Apr 27, 2015 Are there any among us who do not get discouraged and have a lingering sense of not knowing what's next? Find comfort in Psalm 23. Read more... | Jim Allen |
Child Molestation and a Good God | Jan 28, 2015 How can a good God allow child abuse? How does God support and love victims of child of abuse? Read more... | Lena Oben |
Winter Weather | Nov 13, 2014 Winter is a time of rest. We don't need to battle it; just remember God exists. Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
The Comfort of Christ | Aug 27, 2014 Whatever you're going through right now, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). Wow. Did you get that? Read more... | Laurel J. Davis |
The Christian and Depression | Aug 25, 2014 Shouldn't Christians be able to overcome depression, even clinical depression, through the power of the Holy Spirit? Read more... | S. Michael Houdmann |
Conviction is Better than Guilt | Aug 20, 2014 There is a big difference between feeling guilty about something and feeling convicted. Both guilt and conviction cause pain in the sense that they both make you feel bad about your wrong. But guilt gives you a pained mind, while conviction gives you a changed mind. Read more... | Laurel J. Davis |
Is Christianity about freedom or slavery? | Aug 1, 2014 Is Christianity about freedom? Or about being a slave to Christ? Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Lessons in Love | Jul 17, 2014 Trust, control, fear, pain...the things that make us run from love are the very things that make us need love. Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Battling the Wrong Enemy | Jul 11, 2014 The enemy does not allow us to live unopposed. He is shrewder than we think, using the very things we think we "should" be to draw us away from God and each other. Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Washed Clean | Jul 1, 2014 How often we forget, friends: We have been washed clean from our stains, and are 100 percent complete and beautiful in Christ. We. Are. Forgiven. Read more... | Dennis Cooper |
Spoken For | Jul 1, 2014 Being spoken for frees me to live the life my Good Shepherd came to bring. I am accepted, wanted, and known. Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Spiritual Maturity and Past Shames | Jun 25, 2014 Often, the more spiritually mature we grow, the more we are struck by the weight of our past mistakes. How can we deal with shame from our past while looking to Jesus? Read more... | Lesley Mitchell |
Sharing Comfort: Celebrating the joy of God's blessings | Jun 18, 2014 Life is hard, and Christian life has its own challenges. But when God's blessings fill us with joy, it's time to share the comfort. Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
The Good Work: Our struggles may be opportunity in disguise | May 28, 2014 Sometimes the Christian life can feel as frustrating and slow-going as construction season in Cincinatti. But both our spiritual walk and the orange cones come with the promise that the good work in us will be completed. Read more... | Dennis Cooper |
A Blanket for Someone Else's Baby | Apr 15, 2014 It takes a special grace to adopt a child. But even more grace to watch him slip away. Read more... | MeLissa LeFleur |
Ride the Swell | Apr 2, 2014 When waves threaten to overcome and crush you, ride the swell. Read more... | Lauren Birago |
How does prayer work in spiritual warfare? | Mar 17, 2014 What does it mean to 'pray without ceasing'? How is prayer an essential part of spiritual warfare? Read more... | Denise Baum |
Sabbath Rest | Mar 12, 2014 The Old Testament law is not required for Christians in the church. We do not have to follow the Sabbath. But maybe we should, anyway... Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Freedom, Legalism, Responsibility, and Grace | Mar 12, 2014 Our days are filled with choices and very strong feelings. When does living out a conviction stop being freedom and start being legalism? Read more... | Tim White |
Knowing Why | Feb 26, 2014 Do you struggle with situations, hard situations, that you don't understand? Do you ever wonder why God doesn't just take care of things — or at least explain what's going on? Read more... | Rosemary Cross |
Tea with God | Feb 17, 2014 We can set aside time to pray. We can show up. But it doesn't mean we're present. Read more... | Lauren Birago |
Blame Freud | Feb 11, 2014 Our parents have a great influence on who we are and how we interact with the world. Where does personal responsibility fit in? And what does Freud have to do with it? Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
The Worst Friday Night Ever | Feb 3, 2014 Our worst day, worst week, worst year, are images of a day long ago — the worst Friday ever. Read more... | Robin Schumacher |
Counseling and the Church | Jan 28, 2014 Christian counseling is good and needed, but where is the church? Couldn't the church provide much of the support now left to professional counseling? Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Cast Them | Jan 22, 2014 My disclosures during my conflicted moments are occasions when he can remind me, in a very personal way, that these truths are not just affirmations during a time when the negative emotions need to diminish. Instead, they are a description of how he can heal me when I come to him in anger, fear, and confusion. Read more... | Lauren Birago |
Don't Waste Your Worry | Jan 15, 2014 Is the peace of God real? Can it really change our hearts and take away our anxiety? Or are we doomed to waste our worry? Read more... | Catiana Nak Kheiyn |
Responsibility: The Easy Burden | Jan 7 2014 It took a week of doing nothing to make me realize what I shouldn't be doing. Read more... | Kersley Fitzgerald |
Hallmark Movies and Trusting God | Dec 13, 2013 The Bible tells us to trust God instead of being anxious. We forget that the little things cause anxiety, too. What Hallmark movies can remind us about peace in the Christmas season. Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Forgiveness Once-Removed | Nov 11, 2013 It's one thing to forgive a friend. We all have plenty of experience with that. It's another to forgive someone who hurt your friend. How do you do that? And do you have to? Read more... | Kersley Fitzgerald |
Toxic Thoughts: Christian thought control | Oct 14, 2013 We know we're supposed to 'dwell on things from above,' but when toxic thoughts invade our minds, how do we control our thoughts? Read more... | Susan Lockhart |
Life in the Fast Lane | Oct 10, 2013 All of us are living life in the fast lane. We meet ourselves coming and going. In all of this hub bub, when was the last time you heard God speaking to you? Read more... | Dev Bradley |
Exit | Oct 1, 2013 Sometimes it isn't sin that keeps us bound, but the secure feeling of a prison cell we don't want to leave. Read more... | Lauren Birago |
Endurance in Depression; National Suicide Prevention Week | September 13, 2013 When faced with depression so deep that suicide looks like the only alternative, know that in the moment the goal isn't complete wholeness, it's endurance--the power to take one more step. Read more... | Kersley Fitzgerald |
Murky Water | Sep 3, 2013 Weighed down by the darkness of depression, God's voice calls to me — "Look for Me in the murky water." Read more... | Lauren Birago |
Relationally Open | Aug 21, 2013 Relationships have been on my mind recently. Perhaps more specifically the way I relate with others and whether it pleases God... Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Addicted to Sin | Aug 7, 2013 Christians and sin are like alcoholics: new and being made new; addicted but not enslaved. Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Restoration and Loss | Jun 17, 2013 A house. A bike. A car. Relationships. Joy. Whatever our loss, God can restore it 100-fold. Read more... | Kersley Fitzgerald |
Salt | Jul 4, 2013 Recently I realized the importance of demonstrating that I am a believer walking a Christian journey. This is different than saying that I am. My actions and quality of speech should show the salt of my faith. Read more... | Lauren Birago |
Celebrating Life in the Midst of Illness | Jun 21, 2013 Counting years reminds us we're all one step closer to death. But when illness strikes, it's also a reminder that God has given one more year of life. Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Forgiveness of the Heart | Jun 5, 2013 Forgiveness is a choice the victim must make. The restoration of a relationship relies also on the perpetrator. We can't restore a relationship with someone who doesn't want it. Read more... | Lauren Birago |
Experiencing the Journey of Life | May 22, 2013 Life is a journey for a reason. Spiritual growth takes time. If we rush, we'll miss out on life, but we'll also miss becoming who God wants us to be. Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
Does a Christian Who Commits Suicide Go to Heaven? | April 15, 2013 Many have concerns about what happens to a Christian who commits suicide. Will a Christian still go to Heaven, or does suicide in some way keep a Christian from receiving eternal life? Read more... | Jeff Reiter |
Permission | January 15, 2013 Allow grieving friends the grace to verbalize and manifest what they are feeling. Even the most spiritual person has physical and emotional limits. Acknowledge that even unreasonable responses are legitimate in that moment. It takes time for God to work healing into a person's heart. Don't expect more from your friend than God does. Read more... | Kersley Fitzgerald |
Derailment | January 8, 2013 We don't react to derailment well. We like our days, for the most part, to be orderly. Not necessarily regimented with a routine figured down to the minute and carefully color-coded in a day planner, but we do have certain expectations for the day. When that expectation gets derailed, the consequences can be disastrous. Read more... | Kristine Pratt |
Sick & Tired | December 28, 2012 The Bible doesn't condone laziness, of course (Proverbs 13:4). We should all do what we can. But what if there's an underlying physical problem that one cannot see from the outside? How do we love the person who is sick and tired but never looks like it? Read more... | Kersley Fitzgerald |
God in the Hard Times | October 29, 2012 When tragedies happen, we often wonder where God is. Why would a loving God allow things like this to happen? He has the power to shield us from sorrow such as this—so why doesn’t He? Blogos writer Rebekah Largent shares the story of losing her home in the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire. Read more... | Rebekah Largent |
Be Still in the Chaos | September 18, 2012 Are you ever still? Are there moments in your life when you are truly at rest—physically, mentally, emotionally? God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. But do we take time to be still in Him? Read more... | Gwen Sellers |
When Suicide Just Makes Sense | August 23, 2012 I’ve struggled with suicidal ideation for many years. I needed God to show me that my earthly life was worthwhile aside from an earthly guilt-trip. Read more... | T. Jaden Ozwell |
God doesn't make sense | August 2, 2012 God doesn't make sense - How can I learn to trust Him anyway? What is the key to trusting God when times are tough? Are tough times actually God's mercies in disguise? Read more... | MeLissa LeFleur |
Graced By The Nature Of God | June 7, 2012 The truth is, God showed grace from the very beginning. We're not waiting for some delayed grace. God's grace has already been delivered. He shows grace to us every day of our lives, and will continue to show us grace until the day we die. Read more... | Jonathan Fashbaugh |
Do You Really Know His Unconditional Love? | May 30, 2012 Even people who have been Believers for decades can struggle with the feeling that God's love is not really unconditional love. They feel the need to perform, but the Bible says it's way too late for that! His love never depends on our performance. Read more... | Jonathan Fashbaugh |
Being in Control: The Power and Peace of "I Don't Know" | April 25, 2012 We care about being in control. We want to get a hold of ourselves. But the truth is, we don't need to get a hold of ourselves. We need to let go of ourselves. We need to stop trying to control our lives; stop trying to pretend as though we have the answers, and get a grip of God. Read more... | Jonathan Fashbaugh |
Hope in Heaven: The Not Yet Perspective | March 13, 2012 Is it possible to attain satsifaction and joy in this life? How can we be content and peaceful while still acknowledging that this world falls short of ideal? Read more... | Stephanie Ismer |
God's Love and the Regretting Soul | May 19, 2011 Regretting is painful. Our mistakes and the consequences of those mistakes can haunt us for years. Is there any way to break the pattern of regret? How do we move on? How does God help us? Read more... | Stephanie Ismer |
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