Giving Thanks to God for You
By Kersley Fitzgerald

Catiana and I have been going over Paul's epistles lately, and it's amazing how much I'm finding in the introductions that I've never noticed before. Just recently, these passages struck me:
We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you... Colossians 1:3Dev and I have been working on being actively thankful lately, but it was only Saturday, as I read the introductory remarks to the letter in Philippi, that it caught me — I need to be thankful for people, not just situations or blessings or answers to prayer. Individual people. The guy on our worship team who cuts up when things get tense. Gwen, who edits my articles and gives such lightness to the office. Dev and JT, who keep me from imploding in on myself. And hundreds of others.
... I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers... Ephesians 1:16
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy... Philippians 1:3-4
And my writers. From Jim Allen, one of our founding and most faithful columnists, to Jesse McEwien, whom I found only recently. Christopher Schwinger, whose thoughts run so deep, to Jeff Laird who can write about anything. Mark King, whose articles are so entertaining I forget to edit as I read, to Christopher Plumberg — how many times have I emailed something like, "Chris! I need an article on dark matter!" to find he's obliged within a couple of days?
I am grateful to our writers, and I'm grateful for the chance to spread their thoughts to a wider audience. Many of the articles come from answers from the Q&A system — these are issues people are curious about, and our writers fill a great need.
I'm also thankful to you, our readers. Your encouragement has meant a lot (yes, you, Ed Chait!), and I especially like how you self-monitor the Facebook trolls!
Unfortunately, as Chris Plumberg would tell you, the law of conservation of matter and energy for people also applies to time. There is a lot to do at GotQuestions, and only a few people to do it. We have to be good stewards of our time and abilities.
So, despite the many people around Blogos to be thankful for, we've decided to archive the site. Our low readership numbers don't justify the long hours of finding, editing, and posting articles, especially when other sites (especially need so much help.
The articles aren't going anywhere, so feel free to stay and poke around. But we don't plan on adding any new material for the time being.
Still, I thank God for you and for the opportunity you've granted me to be the editor of As a wise Hobbit once said:
Image Credit: Kersley Fitz
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Published 8-8-17