Religious Christmas

Throughout history, the church has created religious-based holidays that aren't in the Bible. Should we celebrate them? Does it matter?

Day One: Celebrating Holidays
The Bible nowhere instructs Christians to celebrate holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Valentines Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. This leads some to refrain from observing these celebratory days...
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Day Two: Holy Days
In the Bible, the word holy means "set apart." God is holy. Christians are called to be holy. A holy day, then, is a day that is set apart to focus on the things of the Lord...
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Day Three: Epiphany/Three Kings' Day
Epiphany is an ancient church festival celebrating the magi's visit to the Christ Child (Matthew 2:1-12). It is kept on January 6. Epiphany is also called "Three Kings' Day" and "Twelfth Day"...
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Day Four: St. Patrick's Day
The man eventually canonized as Saint Patrick by the Catholic Church was born to a wealthy family in AD 387 in Kilpatrick, Scotland. His real name was Maewyn Succat...
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Day Five: Annunciation Day
The word annunciation comes from a Latin word meaning "to bring news." The Latin Vulgate uses the phrase annuntiatio navitatis refer to the announcement made by the angel Gabriel to the virgin Mary about the impending birth of Christ...
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Day Six: Ascension Day
Ascension Day is the celebration of Christ ascending into heaven after His death, burial and resurrection. Ascension Day is observed primarily in Catholic and Anglican churches...
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Day Seven: Hanukkah
Chanukkah (or Hanukkah) is the Jewish Festival/Feast of Dedication, also known as the "Festival of Lights." It is an eight-day festival beginning on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev...
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Image Credit: Terry Babij; "Chanukah 7th night 2011-5772"; Creative Commons
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Published 10-25-15