Creation Theories

The Bible is clear that God created the universe. But how? Evolutionists say the universe evolved over millions of years. But how did life come from inanimate matter? And where do aliens come in?

Day One: Darwinism
In 1860 Thomas Henry Huxley introduced the term Darwinism in relation to Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species, published the year before. Darwin's book presented natural selection as the means of biological evolution...
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Day Two: Theistic Evolution
Theistic evolution is one of three major origin-of-life worldviews, the other two being atheistic evolution (also commonly known as Darwinian evolution and naturalistic evolution) and special creation...
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Day Three: Intelligent Design Theory
The Intelligent Design Theory says that intelligent causes are necessary to explain the complex, information-rich structures of biology and that these causes are empirically detectable. Certain biological features defy the standard Darwinian random-chance explanation, because they appear to have been designed...
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Day Four: Old Earth Creationism
Old Earth Creationism is an umbrella term used to describe biblical creationists who deny that the universe was created within the last 6,000 to 10,000 years over the course of six consecutive 24-hour days...
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Day Five: Progressive Creationism
Progressive creationism (also called "process creation") is the belief that God created the heavens and the earth over a period of billions of years, not the six 24-hour days that is the basis for the traditional creationism view. Progressive creationists can be liberal or conservative in their theological belief system...
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Day Six: 24-Hour Days
A careful examination of the Hebrew word for "day" and the context in which it appears in Genesis will lead to the conclusion that "day" means a literal, 24-hour period of time. The Hebrew word yom translated into the English "day" can mean more than one thing...
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Day Seven: The Gap Theory
The gap theory is the view that God created a fully functional earth with all animals, including the dinosaurs and other creatures we know only from the fossil record. Then, the theory goes, something happened to destroy the earth that the planet became without form and void...
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Day Eight: The Canopy Theory
The canopy theory seeks to explain the reference in Genesis 1:6 to "the waters above the firmament," assuming that "firmament," or "expanse," as the Hebrew word is alternatively translated, refers to our atmosphere...
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Day Nine: The Day-Age Theory
Although Moses wrote the book of Genesis approximately 3,400 years ago, it has been in just the last couple of centuries that serious debate over the nature and date of creation has developed...Basically, this is a belief that the "days" spoken of in the first chapter of Genesis are sequential periods and not literal, 24-hour days...
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Day Ten: The Abiogenesis Theory
Abiogenesis is the idea of life originating from non-living material (non-life). This concept has expanded a great deal as mankind's understanding of science has grown, but all forms of abiogenesis have one thing in common: they are all scientifically unsupportable...
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Day Eleven: The Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium
"Punctuated equilibrium" refers to a concept in evolutionary biology that is both controversial and widely misunderstood. Both punctuated equilibrium and its alternatives have significant drawbacks, either in plausibility or evidence. Punctuated equilibrium seeks to reconcile the idea of natural evolution with the missing links in the fossil record...
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Day Twelve: The Theory of Directed Panspermia
Directed panspermia is a speculative hypothesis about the origin of life on Earth. This hypothesis is a very specific sub-division of a broad group of related ideas. "Exogenesis" is a term referring to the general hypothesis that earth life originated somewhere other than Earth, such as another planet...
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Day Thirteen: The First Earth Age Theory
The first age of the earth, according to the theory's proponents, was a time period prior to Genesis 1:2, when human beings existed as pre-incarnate souls. Proponents of a first earth age also point to Genesis 1:1, Jeremiah 4:18, and 2 Peter 3 to support their claims...
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Image Credit: skeeze; Untitled; Creative Commons
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Published 10-21-15