Creation and Physics
How old is the universe? Did the Big Bang really happen? How fast is starlight, anyway? When physics seems to contradict the biblical creation account, who do we believe?
Day One: The Age of the Universe
In Genesis 1:1, we are told that "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." The Bible gives no date for the creation; the only hint is that it happened "in the beginning."...
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Day Two: The Universe and Eternity
The Bible makes it clear that the universe is not eternal, that it had a beginning, and that the beginning was its creation by God (Genesis 1:1). This truth has been denied by philosophers and pseudo-scientists...
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Day Three: The Big Bang
Prior to the 20th Century, it was not clear if the universe ever had a beginning. Had it always existed? No one knew. It was a matter of faith...
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Day Four: The Speed of Starlight
It is assume that our universe is at least billions of years old—old enough to give the light from these stars enough time to reach our planet billions of light-years away...
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Day Five: The Light before the Sun
How could there be light, mornings and evenings on the first, second, and third days if the sun, moon, and stars were not created until the fourth day?...
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Day Six: Irreducible Complexity
Irreducible complexity is a term used to describe a characteristic of certain complex systems whereby they need all of their individual component parts in place in order to function...
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Day Seven: The Laws of Thermodynamics
The laws of thermodynamics are concerned with heat, mechanical energy and the conversion between the two. All physical, biological and chemical processes known to man are subject to these two laws...
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Image Credit: geralt; untitled; Creative Commons
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Published 10-21-15