The Christian Identity

What does it mean to be a Christian? Who are we in Christ? How are Christians citizens of heaven? How are we to live our lives as a man, woman, and disciple of Christ? A quick look a the Christian's identity.

Day One: The True Christian
According to Acts 11:26, the followers of Jesus were first called Christians at Antioch. Why were they called Christians? Because they were "followers of Christ"...
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For more, see: "What makes a Christian a Christian?"

Day Two: Who we are in Christ
According to 2 Corinthians 5:17, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"...In Christ, we are made an entirely new creation...
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Day Three: Sinners and Saints
Christians are both sinners and saints. All human beings are sinners because we are born in sin. But not all humans are saints. According to the Bible, a saint is not someone who has done wonderful things, nor is it someone who has been deemed a saint by a church or organization...
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For more, see: "Does God see us as sinless?"

Day Four: To Be in Christ
Galatians 3:26-28 gives us insight into the phrase "in Christ" and what it means. "In Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ...
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For more, see: "How does God see me in Christ?"

Day Five: Living our Identity
Our identity in Christ is first and foremost one of newness. We are new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Identity is defined as "the collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing is definitively recognizable or known,"...
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Day Six: Christians and Disciples
The terms disciple and Christian are related but not synonymous. The Greek term for "disciple" in the New Testament is mathetes, which means more than just "student" or "learner"...
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Day Seven: Citizens of Heaven
A citizen is a person who legally belongs to a country and has the rights and protection of that country. Citizens adopt the culture and practices of the nation or kingdom to which they belong...
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For more, see: "What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ?"

Day Eight: A New Creation
Jesus said that to become a Christian we must be "born again" (John 3:3). That phrase implies that we cannot simply remodel our current lives; we must start over...
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For more, see: "What does it mean that a Christian is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)?"

Day Nine: A Woman of God
The first requirement for a woman of God is that she is a believer in God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16, 36). As a believer, she is a new spiritual person, because the Holy Spirit has come to live within (2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 John 4:13)...
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Day Ten: A Man of God
"Man of God" is the description given to a man that follows God in every way, who obeys His commands with joy, who does not live for the things of this life but for the things of eternity, who willingly serves his God in giving freely of all his resources yet gladly suffers as a consequence of his faith...
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Day Eleven: A Living Sacrifice
The dictionary defines sacrifice as "anything consecrated and offered to God." As believers, how do we consecrate and offer ourselves to God as a living sacrifice?...
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Day Twelve: Our Inheritance in Christ
The Bible is full of references to the inheritance believers have in Christ. Ephesians 1:11 says, "In [Christ] we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will"...
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Image Credit: geralt; untitled; Creative Commons
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Published 11-18-15