
The Bible gave us the basics of what a church should be — unified, supportive, educational. How the church works was left up to us, for good and bad.

Day One: Evangelicalism
To begin, let’s break down the two words. The term Christian essentially means "follower of Christ." Christian is the term given to followers of Jesus Christ in the first century A.D. (Acts 11:26). The term evangelical comes from the Greek word that means "good news"...
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Day Two: Short-Term Missions
Although short-term missions have drawbacks, they can be overcome with godly wisdom, training, and heart...
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For more, see "Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven"

Day Three: Youth Ministry
Although youth ministry is a fixture in the modern church, there is no biblical model for such a ministry. However, biblical principles can and should be the model for all ministries in the local church, including ministry to youth...
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Day Four: Laying Hands
"Laying on of hands" is a biblical action; however, there is no biblical mandate requiring the physical laying on of hands for a particular spiritual ministry. Jesus certainly laid His hands on many of those He healed; however, He also healed without laying His hands on people...
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Day Five: Armor-Bearer
In Scripture, an armor-bearer (also spelled armorbearer and armor bearer) was a servant who carried additional weapons for commanders. Abimelech, Saul, Jonathan, and Joab had armor-bearers/armorbearers...
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Day Six: Tithing
Many Christians struggle with the issue of tithing. In some churches giving is over-emphasized. At the same time, many Christians refuse to submit to the biblical exhortations about making offerings to the Lord. Tithing/giving is intended to be a joy and a blessing...
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For more, see "Is tithing biblical?"
Image Credit: Didgeman; untitled; Creative Commons
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Published 7-21-16