The Personality of God
If God is all-powerful and holy, it's hard to imagine having a relationship with Him. But His personality, while good, is also relatable.
Day One: Emotions
We can cite numerous passages of Scripture that speak to God's emotions. For example, God demonstrated the following: anger, laughter, compassion, grief, love, hate, jealousy, joy...
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For more, see: "What is the doctrine of the impassibility vs. passibility of God?"
Day Two: Humor
Perhaps the best indication that God does have a sense of humor is that He created man in His image (Genesis 1:27), and certainly people are able to perceive and express humor. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a "sense of humor" as "...The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is comical or funny"...
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Day Three: Jealousy
It is important to understand how the word "jealous" is used. Its use in Exodus 20:5 to describe God is different from how it is used to describe the sin of jealousy (Galatians 5:20). When we use the word "jealous," we use it in the sense of being envious of someone who has something we do not have...
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Day Four: Anger
It would be foolish to ignore the passages in Scripture that talk about God's anger. Yes, God does get angry; there are many examples in the Bible of this. He "displays his wrath every day"...
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Day Five: Favorites
Whether or not God has favorites is a tricky question because it is based upon our human understanding of favoritism, which usually means unfair treatment of anyone who is not favored. To completely understand the answer, we have to start with the truth that God is always just...
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For more, see: "God and Favoritism"
Day Six: Fairness
In many people's minds, fairness is everyone receiving exactly what he or she deserves. If God were completely "fair," by this definition, we would all spend eternity in hell paying for our sin, which is exactly what we deserve. We have all sinned against God and are therefore worthy of eternal death...
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For more, see: "John 6:44 and the Fairness of God"
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Published 10-25-16