Should we be worried about the remaining two blood moons this year?
By Jim Allen
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What's been happening in the world since the two Blood Moons in 2014? Should we be worried? What about the next two Blood Moons this year? Should Israel and the world expect to see more of the same in 2015?
If you are visiting here from another planet, the likelihood of not knowing about the Blood Moons is understandable. But, the good news is you won't be left uninformed for long. Movies and books and videos about this lunar phenomenon are hot topics on the Internet, mixing truth with error and fact with fiction. Movie producers and authors eagerly share in the profits by telling you what might be coming our way.
So, where is all this lunar-end-time stuff taking us? Let's begin by looking back at where we've been.
Last year, the first 2 of 4 Blood Moons occurred on April 15 and October 8. Since then, some troubling events have taken place and will more than likely continue this year.
Israel went to war with Hamas, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sent his army of assassins across portions of the Middle East and radical Islam began its spread across Europe. Anti-Semitism is mounting around the world and gaining a foothold in America. Now ISIS is setting its target on Italy.
Then there is America's dwindling support for Israel, followed by the ongoing drawdown of its military might in the Middle East. Israel sees its American security blanket slipping away, very much aware of our waning promise to protect.
Our American consulates in the Middle East are closing, the most recent overtaken by rebels in Yemen. Without a foothold to influence nations, our voice fades as our might weakens. America's retreat is noticeable and perhaps even inevitable. Americans are mad and demeaned by it all.
Has America, this mighty nation once feared and admired by the entire world, lost its way, perhaps even its soul?
People are confused. Many are scared. Most are deceived. Leaders are at a loss for what to do. Israel finds itself surrounded by enemies, backed up to the sea with no escape, and recoiling from the thought that Iran is about to become a nuclear threat.
According to Mark Biltz*, the tetrad (Blood Moons) is a sign something big is about to change because the moons link directly to the Jewish Feast days. This link is irrefutable, has happened before, and is happening now. So then, should believers label the appearance of these moons on Jewish Fest days as coincidental and inconsequential? Are we to include the moons with the other end time signs?
Alf and Julie Saunders of Pray 4 Zion wrote,
Four total lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Feast of Tabernacle in 1967 - 1968 coinciding with the 6-Day War when Israel recaptured Jerusalem. As Israel's neighbors prepared to destroy the Jewish state, Israel invoked its inherent right of self-defense, launching a pre-emptive strike…against Egypt in the South. (Source)Twenty years earlier a tetrad (four Blood Moons) occurred after Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948. The first two of the four moons occurred in 1949 on Passover (April) and the second on Feast of Tabernacles (October). In 1950, the two remaining Blood Moons of that tetrad occurred on the same Jewish festivals.
Today's tetrad seems to suggest there is change coming to the nation of Israel and, from the looks of things, to the world. The third moon will occur this year on April 4 (just weeks away) and the fourth on September 28. This tetrad will be the last for at least 100 years.
The form and magnitude of change is unknown… perhaps an asteroid or nuclear event will get things going…perhaps nothing will happen…and then, perhaps the woes that began in 2014 will worsen in 2015 and every year thereafter until the Tribulation? No one can say for sure.
According to Sid Roth**, the tetrads (including this one) have only happened eight times in the last 2,000 years, and always on Jewish Fest days. The last three tetrads (this one included) occurred within the last 67 years, within one generation.
Alf and Julie Saunders further point out that since the time of Jesus,
Seven back-to-back, blood-red moons have fallen on the first day of Passover and Sukkoth, with the "eighth time"… coming in 2014 and 2015. The meaning of the number "Eight" in the Bible is "New Beginnings"…The world is most assuredly upside-down and needs a new beginning. Radical ideologues are overflowing into the streets around the world in violent protest. The hatred from these unhinged protestors carries within a demonic vendetta against anyone not sharing their degenerate, barbarous view. It is as though a demonic hoard from the pit of hell has been unleashed to do mayhem worldwide.
Repeated calls by radical Muslims for a world-wide jihad are now heard everywhere - from Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, the Palestinian territories in Israel, and even from Muslim groups in London. The scene is set to launch a major attack against non-Islamic infidels. The suicide bomb mentality of these terrorist Islamists has over and over demonstrated that they have a fanatical, religious-driven hatred for their enemies and will not hesitate to plunge the whole world into chaos! (Source)
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Published 2-20-15