The Un-Intelligent Design of Atheists
By Jim Allen
Atheists view themselves as free thinkers, insightful, and not given to delusional thinking. While many atheists are morally upright and good citizens, others loathe the fairytale do-gooders parading around in flowing white robes. In every sense of the word, atheists base their views on what they can see; and because they, like the twins, have not seen the person responsible for their creation ask, "I mean, like have you ever seen God?"
Madalyn Murray O'Hair (founder of the atheist movement and now departed) said:
Atheism is based upon a materialist philosophy, which holds that nothing exists but natural phenomena. There are no supernatural forces or entities, nor can there be any. Nature simply exists.While the preceding quote from O'Hair is a founding principle for atheism, it is a principle promoting the notion that if you cannot see it, it does not exist. But, if it does exist, then mystical forces of nature coalesced to conceive, design, and fabricate it and everything visible.
If O'Hair were the only person on earth and found a gold watch keeping perfect time with the sun's movement across the sky, would the reality of that discovery persuade O'Hair the watch was created by an intelligent being? Based on her founding principle for unbelief, the answer would have to be no because natural phenomena is the creator.
As we refocus on the prenatal twins, imagine both perceiving what they know to be the whole truth. Such a thought would be ill-conceived and, worst of all, a derogatory slur on mom. How is it possible to not realize their existence is proof of mom's existence? I mean, can something come from nothing?
There are a lot of things we can't see but they are real nevertheless. With the natural eye we cannot see a human cell, but the accumulation of billions upon billions of cells makes you and me real and touchable. To discount the existence of something because you cannot see it leaves no room for discovery, learning and growing.
Atheists (including our imaginary prenatal twins) show they are inwardly absorbed with themselves as the ultimate expression of intelligent life, locked into repeating the same question over and over again: "I mean, like have you ever seen God?" The answer for them will always be no because discovery outside of what can be seen (according to O'Hair) is never an option.
But even with their best effort to discredit God's existence, the foundational principle upheld by atheists has been severely challenged in recent years by proponents of Intelligent Design. In the simplest of terms, intelligent design is a science model stating physical and biological systems in the universe came about from an intelligent, powerful force and not from undirected natural phenomenon working in these systems.
Atheists are unable to refute this science model (of how things came into being) because intelligent design is a scientific fact; but then, so are moms. As a result, atheists find themselves struggling to come up with an argument to deny the existence for God? Rather than give God credit for intelligent design, atheists turn heavenward to extraterrestrials to give these shadowy beings acclaim for creating human beings in their own image using genetic engineering.
While such an idea is plausible, the argument fails to address who created the extraterrestrials including their experimental laboratory called earth.
In Matthew 19:26 Jesus said it best, "...with God all things are possible." God reminds us in Psalm 139:14 we are, "...fearfully and wonderfully made." The Bible is clear about who is the Creator of all things (Colossians 1:16). Our existence on earth is a miracle, a time to grow in the womb of God's grace and be born again (1 Peter 1:23).
Now imagine the same twins — years later — in another chat, but this time about God and eternity. While the existence of mom was resolved years ago, God is now up for debate. One twin says to the other, "If God does not exist, then it will make no difference when we die; but, if He does exist then it will make all the difference." The other twin (a doubting Thomas from the womb) has no response to his brother's insight, perhaps shaken to realize he was wrong about mom and could be wrong again.
In closing, Matt Slick gives a kindhearted and thought-provoking message to atheists:
The Bible doesn't attempt to prove that God exists. It simply speaks as though He does. Maybe I can't prove to you there is a God, but I can introduce Him to you through His Son Jesus Christ; and you can judge for yourself if the Words of Christ in the Bible convince you of His existence.To live one's life with no thought beyond what can be seen is indeed loneliness beyond what any soul should endure. But for the believer, to live one's life with thought beyond what cannot be seen is indeed a blessing of faith in a promise of a tomorrow beyond all yesterdays (1 John 2:25).
Image Credit: Brian; atheist rally, "Crowd Sign FTW"; Creative Commons
Tags: Biblical-Truth | Controversial-Issues | Current-Issues | False-Teaching
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Published 11-5-2014