A Very GotQuestions Thanksgiving

2016 has been a year of big transitions for Got Questions Ministries. The biggest is our new digs! For the last fourteen years, we have relied on the kindness of others and have never had to pay rent. For the last several years, we have been housed in office space provided by the generosity of an online tutoring company. Unfortunately, the building was not designed for the snow, ice, and wind of Colorado, and the skylights received one too many hits by falling ice. Last winter, one finally broke, leaving a pile of Plexiglas pieces and snow on the desk of our editor. The time needed to fix the entire section of our office would require us to spend several months working out of our homes. The cost to fix everything would require the owner to begin charging us rent — which we did not begrudge in the least! But the offices were on the other side of town from all of us, and we decided to look for a new place.
After several months, we found it. Close to most of us, views of the mountains, and vacuuming and trash service were included — what more could we ask for? The HVAC is mostly fixed, and our CEO's mom (who designs kitchens) outfitted us nicely. Even better, the space is big enough that we're able to bless one other ministry and a pastor with offices of their own. Our roommates come in very handy when our editor is tired of playing Ping-Pong with S. Michael.
Speaking of, we are grateful that God provided the resources to redesign Our creative designers, artists, and programmers came together to make a fun and interactive site for kids. We've received some great comments and we're amazed how God is working in the lives of kids around the world! Kids have questions too and we're excited to help them find the answers in God's Word.
Most of our employees live in Colorado Springs, but our managing editor lives in Kansas and the editor is in Ohio. This summer, they were able to come to Colorado for meetings and team-building. The highlight of which was when we tried out an escape room — and won! Not bad for a team that works spread out all over the country!
We also got the chance to meet some of our readers. This year, the CEO, his wife, and 24 readers traveled to the Holy Land. We visited many biblical sites and studied God's Word together. The highlight of the trip was seeing the Bible come alive to them. The places were no longer vague cities mentioned in their Bibles. They experienced God's Word in a fresh way.
We're also thankful for our new video guys. We now have two individuals making videos for us, with the goal of expanding our Q&A outreach to YouTube (the second most popular search engine in the world). You can find them on the articles or on our YouTube channel. We're extremely grateful for their hard work at making our most vital messages entertaining to watch and informative at the same time.
We have so much more to be thankful for: several new writers for and who provide enthusiasm as well as new articles, our 225 volunteer writers from all over the world, including India, South Africa, the Philippines, and Macedonia, who answer questions sent in to our Q&A page, our donors who are so generous with their money and their encouraging words. And we are thankful for and humbled by our many readers who come to us for biblical truth. Through October, our readers have viewed over 178 million pages, asked nearly 32 thousand questions, and made 199,291 professions of new faith in Christ. Even if only a fraction of those decisions are genuine first time decisions to receive Jesus Christ as Savior, that's amazing.
All of this, of course, is from God. We are blessed that He allows us to be part of His plan, and we pray that we will continue in the direction He wants us to go, be always accurate in our articles, and always kind in our words.
And thanks to you! It is because of you that we get to do what we love!
Image Credit: GraphicMama-team; untitled; Creative Commons
Tags: Celebrating-Holidays | Got-Questions? | Ministry-Church
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Published 11-21-16