Unlocking Hearts for a Blended Family
By Jeff Reiter

A house filled with laughter along with expressions of love and mutual respect is the longing of every parent and child. It creates a place of warmth and security that enables families to thrive and mature to become healthy, functional homes.
The impact of divorce has far-reaching consequences. It hurts not only the people directly involved but future generations as well. Through the pain of the divorce, individuals begin to close the doors to the rooms of their hearts. The laughter subsides as the love and respect they once knew disappears. The home is no longer a place of security and warmth, but one of fear and uncertainty. If we become uncertain about the safety of our neighborhood, we may become security fanatics, ensuring that every door and window is locked securely. We find ourselves prisoners in our own homes.
God created us for relationship. Not just with Him, but with one another. As we experience His love for us, we have the freedom to keep the doors of our hearts open so that He may fill every room with His precious and pleasant riches. Living in freedom allows us to have the confidence to welcome the fullness of His blessing. Truth is what sets us free. Deception brings the shadows of doubt and fear. You can almost hear the lock and dead bolt of the door.
"If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." —John 8:31-32
I love the promise of this verse: if I abide in His word, I will come to know Him, and knowing Him will set me free! It is the word "abide" that we need to really understand in order to know His promise of freedom. The word "abide" means to continue with or to be "at home with."
"The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart." —Luke 6:45
Does the Lord feel "at home" in your heart? Do you feel at home with Him living inside of you? Are you willing to let Him open the doors you have kept locked since of the pain of your divorce? By God's wisdom, successful blended families can be built. By our understanding of His promises and presence, our homes can be established. By our understanding of the truth of His word, the rooms of our hearts can be filled with His precious and pleasant riches.
Image Credit: Mario Klingemann; "Key"; Creative Commons
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Published on 2-11-13