Mazzaroth The Hebrew Zodiac

Well, here's something to think about
He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. (Job 9:9-10)When our ancient ancestors called the constellations by name, was it really based on "pictures" they saw in the night sky? When they viewed the cluster of stars known as Ursa Major (the "Big Dipper"), did they really see a bear and her cubs? What about the three aligned stars that mark the constellation of Orion? Did they really see the belt of a hunter?
As hard as I squint, I just don't see it So, where did these names come from anyway?
And God said, "Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years " (Genesis 1:14)Is it possible that the heavenly bodies were presented as awesome "signs" from God, and each of these signs came with an underlying story? Is it possible that each story was given a name and an associated "picture," so that the entire message of the signs in the sky could be passed along from generation to generation?
Mazzaroth Story in the Sky
The Hebrew name for the zodiac is the Mazzaroth. Amazingly, is it possible that the twelve constellations in the Hebrew Zodiac (Mazzaroth) tell a fascinating story of God's plan for mankind's redemption?1. Virgo The virgin holding a branch and an ear of corn; the promised seed of the woman.
2. Libra The scales; the price deficient balanced by the price that covers.
3. Scorpio The scorpion; the attack of the enemy; the redeemer's conflict.
4. Sagittarius The archer; the gracious one; the redeemer's triumph.
5. Capricornus The sea goat; the goat of atonement slain for the redeemed.
6. Aquarius The water bearer; the living waters of blessing poured forth for the redeemed.
7. Pisces The fishes; the multitudes who will follow; the blessings of the redeemed.
8. Aries The ram or lamb; wounded and slain, the blessings of the redeemed consummated.
9. Taurus The bull; the congregation of the judge; the coming judge of all the earth.
10. Gemini The twins; two natures; the reign of the prince of peace.
11. Cancer The crab; assembled together; the redeemer's possessions held fast.
12. Leo The Lion of the tribe of Judah; the consummated triumph of the redeemer in the end.
Mazzaroth The Hebrew Zodiac and the Gospel of Salvation
Don't get me wrong My presentation of the Hebrew Zodiac (Mazzaroth) is not intended as an endorsement of new age astrology. I've been around a few whacky people that grant these "signs" a bit too much power over their lives, choices and futures. However, I can't deny that a biblical study from Virgo to Leo reveals some pretty remarkable (and possibly prophetic) things.For instance, Virgo represents the foretold virgin (Isaiah 7:14) holding a branch (Jeremiah 23:5-6) and an ear of corn, which represents the promised seed of the woman (beginning with Eve in Genesis 3:15). And if I continue my word study through the Bible, I discover Leo, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Redeemer who is triumphant in the end!
Then one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed." (Revelation 5:5
Just think Is it possible that there's a clear presentation of the Christian gospel in the ancient Hebrew Zodiac (Mazzaroth)? Or is this stretching the ancient meanings and context just a bit?
What do you see in the stars?
Image Credit: "Zodiac mosaic in Beit Alpha, Israel"; 6th Century; Public Domain