Zeke Wheeler Biography

This blog is dedicated to the memory and mission of Zeke Wheeler. Zeke was the only son of American missionaries, spending most of his childhood in Japan and Kenya. When he was 14-years-old, his parents returned to the U.S., so he could finish his teenage years in America. Although raised in a devout Christian home, Zeke fully rebelled against his roots and pursued a variety of "dark exploits" during the late 1980's. He graduated from a small high school in a tiny mountain community in southwest Colorado, and then "disappeared" for nearly a decade.

Somewhere along the road, Zeke started having transformational encounters with God. The spiritual battles of life and death, good and evil, origin and destiny were "really real" to Zeke. "I spent days, and sometimes weeks, in terrible, extra-dimensional battles" he said. Although he admits that drugs had much to do with his "lost and lonely years," he knew these weren't delusional episodes. Zeke always understood these experiences as "a cumulative war for my soul." Remarkably, he recounted a number of events where the only way he could "survive" was to return to the truth of scripture and the power of his childhood faith. In November 2000, after a "40-hour traumatic experience in absolute darkness," Zeke chose the Light. Totally broken and at the end of himself, Zeke returned to Jesus Christ and became a devoted follower.

Shortly thereafter, Zeke resurfaced with his family and friends. Although he wouldn't share anything about his prior journey, he was quick to share Jesus – he was obviously a changed man. After completing his undergraduate degree in less than two years (somehow he acquired numerous college credits during his lost period) and receiving a Masters in Divinity from a highly-regarded seminary, Zeke entered the "Chaplaincy Corps." No, Zeke didn't actually join a branch of the military, but he felt called to serve as a "volunteer chaplain" to American men and women serving around the world. In a few short years, Zeke traveled to Germany, Korea, Japan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Israel, and the Philippines to "serve those serving us." (At least these are the countries I know about.) He went where God wanted him, traveled on his own dime, and found incredible ways to immerse himself in "the real action," which he called "the spiritual war in the midst of the physical battles."

Zeke kept secret journals for years. Finally, in September 2009, he started sharing some of them with me. As a result of one of those "God-things," we were introduced by an acquaintance who simply knew we needed to meet. We only met personally on three occasions during his visit to Colorado in September, but we met together online nearly twice a week for just over a year thereafter. Although I can't share much more about the circumstances, Zeke died in the Middle East a few weeks ago.

Not only do I have email versions of many of Zeke's stand-alone journal entries, but I have since obtained more of Zeke's incredible materials, including research and draft articles. They recount adventures, dreams, visions, insights, scriptures, reflections, and observations – Zeke's very unique perspective of a very deceived world through very spiritual goggles.

Zeke was quietly adventurous. He had no fear, but he wasn't big on "show." Zeke was a brilliant guy, but he was also self-effacing and reflective. It seemed like he was always on "another level." The three times I was with Zeke, it seemed like he was not only spending time with me, but also sharing time on another plane. Yes, a bit weird, but really wild to observe. It was truly as if he was doing what he saw his Father doing in Heaven. It was as if he was given the words to communicate, but it was seamless and timeless. It was surreal, without being freakish. Does that make any sense?

And one other thing -- He always gave Glory to God. Whether an adventure, an insight, or just a brotherly hug, Zeke somehow communicated that everything was other-worldly… He did everything as a selfless servant of God on a strategic mission for God's Glory.


The last journal entry I received from Zeke (April 13, 2011) called him to "blow the trumpet, now." He viewed this as the last of a series of instructions from God to start sharing his visions and insights with the world. He felt that we were introduced in late 2009 because I did the "Internet thing." He took me into his confidence and we built a tight bond of trust. I truly think I'm the only one who has ever seen these journals and other writings.

He died two days later on April 15, 2011…

In the spirit of Zeke's final instructions from God and Zeke's trust in me, I'll attempt to responsibly share his material as I feel led of the Lord to do so. In the words of Zeke, "I had to wake up and just think about this stuff…" Thus, I'll couch these posts with the phrase, "Think About." As such, I'm not presenting these visions/dreams/nuggets/insights as doctrinal truth. I'm sharing them as part of a calling for those who may have "eyes to see and ears to hear." Then, please help me test it all against scripture, reason, and experience, and let's see where it takes us…

Things seem to be heating up on the world stage. There is also an urgency in the hearts of humanity.

May Truth Reign,


*Names, locations, and biographical facts may be revised and/or fictionalized. However, other than basic editing, the journal content reflected in this blog stays true to the originals penned by the author.

Image Credit: Asaf Braverman; "Ezekiel & Wheel — Amiens, 13th C"; Creative Commons