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Search results for: Sally Plemons
15 results found containing all search terms. 1 result found containing some search terms.
2 pages of results.
Secular scientists claim cave paintings are evidence of evolution. Does the Bible give a different perspective? What are the implications of datin...
The Truth and Implications of Cave Paintings By Sally Plemons Cave paintings are among the more intriguing evidences for the age of human civiliza...
What does the Bible say about interplanetary colonization? Should Christians colonize the stars?
The Roman Catholic teaching of the Rapture is very different than that of fundamentalist evangelicals. How false theologies inform the Catholic en...
Is the doctrine of purgatory a dangerous doctrine? Does it really matter whether purgatory exists?
Deepak Chopra combines western medicine, Eastern mysticism, and Christianity into his own personal philosophy, then sells that philosophy to other...
The Bible and Interplanetary Colonization By Sally Plemons Dr. Morris' article "The Bounds of the Dominion Mandate" is written around and based up...
What does the Bible say about interplanetary colonization? Should Christians colonize the stars?
Secular scientists claim cave paintings are evidence of evolution. Does the Bible give a different perspective? What are the implications of datin...
The Roman Catholic teaching of the Rapture is very different than that of fundamentalist evangelicals. How false theologies inform the Catholic en...