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Search results for: Lesley Mitchell
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christian life and growth
Articles about Christian theology and apologetics by various Blogos contributors.
Guest Writers for
How should we reconcile the relationship when another believer sins against us? When should we correct another believer?
We live in a world with a spiritual element, and it's natural that we be curious about it. But delving into the occult and trying to contact angel...
We are saved by grace, through faith; we cannot earn salvation. So how can we feel something that we did nothing to get?
Family members that think they're Christians but aren't? Family that are of another faith? How do we use Christmas to reach our family for Christ ...
Friendship with God isn't based on equality or mutual admiration, but on His willingness to sacrifice His Son for us.
How should a wife respond to a difficult mother-in-law? How does she show Christ's love when her husband won't support her?
God is omnipresent - He exists outside of space and therefore inhabits every place. What does that mean for us? What does it mean for the Trinity?