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Search results for: Kevin Stone
15 results found containing all search terms. 92 results found containing some search terms.
11 pages of results.
The Greek Geek Biblical Greek for the Modern Age
This column is dedicated to presenting a clear and correct understanding of the Bible - and the critical truths about divine and human life it con...
From Battlestar Galactica to Jane Austen, this column explores the spiritual side of the art world.
The Greek Geek tackles 'makarios'--what does it mean to be 'blessed'?
The Greek Geek tackles 'doxa'--What is the glory of God?
The Greek Geek tackles 'epithumia.' What is desire? Is desire always wrong?
Imperfect? Aorist? Pluperfect? Either Chrome's automatic translator isn't working or we're talking about Greek verb tenses.
How does the world of artistic pursuits fit within the Christian worldview? How do artists, musicians and actors glorify God?
Are God and creativity opposed? Why does an artist want to explore the beauty of creation by re-creating it?
How does the human body, all its parts working together, resemble the church? Why does the Bible call the church the body of Christ?