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Search results for: Jerry Smith
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Guest Writers for
christian life and growth
The end of the world is coming! But can we know when?
Teaching adults is wildly different than teaching children. It's essential to engage adults and invite them into their own learning experience.
Reports show that Millennials postpone or reject marriage in droves. Are there good reasons to get married or is marriage an archaic institution?
It seems anxiety is unavoidable in our world today. But it's not a new phenomenon. The Bible has a lot to say about anxiety, including the fact th...
None of use are capable living the Christian life perfectly the way Christ asks. But we can make an effort to follow Him and not the church cultur...
Christian education covers Sunday school, Bible studies, VBS, and much more. But the most important thing it must cover is Christ.
The importance of scriptural teaching in Christian education cannot be overstated. If Jesus is our primary subject, the Bible is essential for dis...
There is a difference between a Christian culture and a group of Christ-followers. And there's a difference between religious persecution and bein...