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Search results for: Health-Wellness
34 results found.
4 pages of results.
Self-harm is a coping mechanism for a greater, deeper pain. Treating the symptoms is woefully inadequate without spiritual healing of the wounded ...
2. Indulgence
What does it really mean to be indulgent? Is it more indulgent to eat what tastes good or to eat what makes you feel good?
Deepak Chopra combines western medicine, Eastern mysticism, and Christianity into his own personal philosophy, then sells that philosophy to other...
Exercising self-discipline takes priorities, motivation, time, repetition, and steadfastness, then wash, rinse, repeat. And having someone to chee...
Behavioral science tries to explain and determine how we humans think and act. Funny how the most accurate findings directly reflect biblical truth.
'Whatcha know good?' the old man would say. But it's what he knew about purpose and joy that can speak to our lives.
Running, sewing, surfing, woodworking...when does a hobby, even a good one, become an idol?
God never called us to do all the things, weighed down by burdens and sins. He just wants us to run our race.
It's a mistake to think once you become a Christian God will make your life easy. But He will make it abundant.
Jesus performed healings to prove he was Messiah and gifted the Apostles to heal as well. If healings were never the focus of his ministry, should...