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Search results for: Dolores Kimball
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christian life and growth
church and ministry
The Bible says God is a consuming fire. What does that mean?
Knowing that God is sovereign will only be comforting if we understand His other attributes, especially the faithfulness of God.
God's sovereignty wouldn't be of much comfort if it wasn't true. Is the Bible true? How do we know?
God's sovereignty combined with His attribute of immutability means that God cannot change His mind, His plans, or His promises.
Knowing that God is sovereign will only be comforting if we understand His other attributes, especially the faithfulness of God.
The sovereignty of God, His absolute control over every molecule in the universe, is one of the Bible's most comforting truths.
The sovereignty of God, His absolute control over every molecule in the universe, is one of the Bible's most comforting truths.
Why do Christians doubt that they are saved? Can we really ever have the assurance of salvation? Yes, we can!