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Search results for: Church-Issues
51 results found.
6 pages of results.
Christian counseling is good and needed, but where is the church? Couldn't the church provide much of the support now left to professional counsel...
What can we learn from church softball? What church softball has taught me about Christians being in the world, but not of the world.
How should Evangelical Christians respond to Hank Hanegraaff's embrace of Eastern Orthodoxy? Is a conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy a denial of the ...
There are three things every Christian should know. The third is who actually leads the church - is it a pastor or Christ?
John MacArthur's conference Strange Fire featured several speakers that insisted the signs gifts are not common in the current church age. Are the...
The movie 'Philomena' shows the worst of adoption. But there are other stories. What happens when kids and parents get real?
Being a fan of a team is similar to being a member of a church--When one person is a punk, do we abandon ship? Or ride out the storm, knowing the ...
Believers are supposed to be in the world and not of it. How does that apply to church outreach?
The adopted child has to enter a whole new world and make it home.
Hashtags and profile pictures will not protect Christians and others in the Middle East from the armies of the Islamic State. You feel strongly ab...