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Search results for: Chris Conner
11 results found containing all search terms. 34 results found containing some search terms.
5 pages of results.
The Greek Geek Biblical Greek for the Modern Age
This column is dedicated to presenting a clear and correct understanding of the Bible - and the critical truths about divine and human life it con...
The Greek Geek tackles 'apolyo'--What does it mean that God hates divorce? What does the Christian culture get right--and wrong--about divorce?
The Greek Geek tackles 'Agrammatos' and 'Idiotis'--What does it mean that John and Peter were 'unschooled and ordinary'?
The Greek Geek tackles 'mathetes' - What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ?
The Greek Geek tackles 'apostolos'--What does it mean to be an apostle of Christ? Do we still have apostles today?
The Greek Geek tackles 'apolyo'--What does it mean that God hates divorce? What does the Christian culture get right--and wrong--about divorce?
The Greek Geek tackles 'Christianos'--What does it mean to be a Christian?
Guest Writers for
The Greek Geek tackles 'eucharistia'--What does it mean to be thankful? What do Americans have to be thankful of?