Lauren A. Birago

Lauren is a creative writer led by God’s word and inspired by his creation. She writes to get through the trenches of the journey with a hope that healing, growth, and self-awareness will be the fruit. Her work records her Christian walk and aims to help herself and others. Her background in psychology leads her to explore the integration of spiritual and psychological aspects of emotional challenges.

Ride the Swell  |  Apr 2, 2014
When waves threaten to overcome and crush you, ride the swell.


Tea with God  |  Feb 17, 2014
We can set aside time to pray. We can show up. But it doesn't mean we're present.


Yes, I dare say it  |  Feb 11, 2014
Many claim that we should stand on the stages and boldly preach how wrong it is for homosexual couples to marry because it is going against God, against the covenant of marriage, and ultimately against the way we were created. We do not however, plan on waging war against pride, fornication, adultery, lying, and idolatry in the same manner.


Cast Them  |  Jan 22, 2014
My disclosures during my conflicted moments are occasions when he can remind me, in a very personal way, that these truths are not just affirmations during a time when the negative emotions need to diminish. Instead, they are a description of how he can heal me when I come to him in anger, fear, and confusion.


Armor  |  Nov 11, 2013
We know we are to take up the armor of God, but what are we supposed to do with it?


Exit  |  Oct 1, 2013
Sometimes it isn't sin that keeps us bound, but the secure feeling of a prison cell we don't want to leave.


Murky Waters  |  Sep 3, 2013
Weighed down by the darkness of depression, God's voice calls to me--'Look for Me in the murky water.'


Tongue-Twisted  |  Aug 12, 2013
Determining not to lie is a good thing. But only a good heart can prevent a twisted tongue.


Salt  |  Jul 4, 2013
Recently I realized the importance of demonstrating that I am a believer walking a Christian journey. This is different than saying that I am. My actions and quality of speech should show the salt of my faith.


Forgiveness of the Heart  |  Jun 5, 2013
Forgiveness is a choice the victim must make. The restoration of a relationship relies also on the perpetrator. We can't restore a relationship with someone who doesn't want it.


Image: *Claudine; Some rights reserved