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Search results for: Reviews-Critiques
86 results found.
9 pages of results.
Blaise Pascal was a mathematician and physicist, but he was also one of the premier Christian apologists of all time.
What is your review of Exodus: Gods and Kings? Is Exodus: Gods and Kings biblically accurate? Should a Christian see Exodus: Gods and Kings?
Some favorite Christmas movies from Blogos writers.
Is the recent movie 'Son of God' biblical? What are the positives and negatives of the 'Son of God' movie?
What is biblical about the Noah movie? What is unbiblical about the Noah movie? Should a Christian see the Noah movie?
What is's review of the 'Heaven is for Real' movie? What problems are there with the movie in comparison to what the Bible says a...
God's Not Dead ? A Review. Is God's Not Dead worth seeing? What are the pros and cons of the 2014 God's Not Dead movie?
What is's review of the 2014 movie 'Left Behind'? Is 'Left Behind' worth seeing? Does it accurately portray the biblical rapture?
Kirk Cameron's 'Saving Christmas' is an attempt to show we can adopt symbols and worship Christ if we desire; unfortunately, it does so in a slow-...
What is the novel 'The Red Tent'? Should a Christian read 'The Red Tent'?