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Search results for: Ministry-Church
74 results found.
8 pages of results.
Mental illness, depression, anxiety, and the church.
Despite 2000 years of history, the modern church feels like a 20-something - fairly respectable but restless. How can we reach beyond respectable ...
If we look honestly at Christians today, many of us live in that comfortable in-between. But Jesus calls us to be 'hot' -- fervent -- for Him and ...
We're told to have vision, to be part of the bigger story. But our story will never be big enough if it's not God's.
Only by a personal relationship through Jesus Christ can anyone really know true love. God's love is not 'too good to be true' but is as good as i...
Does art have to be overtly spiritual to glorify God and edify the church? Or can a good job done well be just as effective?
Avoiding the things that scare us is effective - if we don't acknowledge them, they're not there. But there comes a time when you have to face you...
Genes, culture, and ethnicity can make us feel like family, but there is no thicker blood than that of Jesus.
It's said that sarcasm is a sign of intelligence and promotes creativity. Where do literary forms like sarcasm, irony, and satire fit in the Chris...
The Bible tells us to care for orphans. There is no more direct way to do so than to provide a loving foster family for a child in crisis.