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Search results for: Legalism
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4 pages of results.
Evangelicals disrupt Christian growth by mixing legalism with faith. What does this disruption look like and how does it happen?
Our days are filled with choices and very strong feelings. When does living out a conviction stop being freedom and start being legalism?
The impact from legalism in the evangelical church is the failure of ministers to recognize how the law of works destroys faith.
Why did Jesus have such harsh words for the Pharisees? What does it mean to strain out a gnat but swallow a camel?
Legalism in the church is a monster capable of destroying a believer's faith. What is it about legalism that opposes the law of faith?
The journey to spiritual maturity isn't easy. God doesn't intend for us to remain stagnant. It helps if we accept His work in our lives. Doing a s...
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Do you fear God? Is there any among us who do not have moments of doubt, fear, and a lingering sense of God's rejection?
Is the 'Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus' video biblically sound?
Why the Protestant Catholic conflict? Is it really necessary? What is at the heart of the conflict? Can it be resolved?