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Search results for: God-Father
213 results found.
22 pages of results.
It seems anxiety is unavoidable in our world today. But it's not a new phenomenon. The Bible has a lot to say about anxiety, including the fact th...
Animals: they put the 'fur' in metafur.
'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2' is a story of family, friendship, and sacrifice, but it has some very interesting things to say about the nature ...
How should Christians view refugee and immigrant policies? What does the Bible say about how Christians should respond to refugees and immigrants?
In Joshua 1:9, God tells Joshua to reject fear because He will be with him wherever he goes. Does this promise apply to us, as well?
Matthew 6:34 tells believers to not be anxious about tomorrow. Does this mean God will always protect us and provide for us? Or just that we have ...
God is omniscient - Why did He ask Adam and Eve where they were? Why did He ask Cain where Abel was?
How does rejecting God because of misunderstanding actually glorify Him? How does it honor God to send people to hell?
Childlike faith isn't to expect God to immediately give us what we ask for. It's to immediately and always have faith in God.
What is blasphemy? What does it mean to blaspheme?