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Search results for: False-Teaching
133 results found.
14 pages of results.
It is good to expose false-teaching. But there are better ways to spend our time than condemning every specific error like some theological whack-...
False prophets, false scripture, and false savior -- how Mormonism fit into the pattern of false religions.
Do you have to believe in God to go to Heaven? Is it true that all you have to do is obey your conscience in order to go to Heaven?
Not teaching about sin can lead to a false conversion. But not teaching about grace can lead to hopelessness.
It's a mistake to think once you become a Christian God will make your life easy. But He will make it abundant.
Secular scientists claim cave paintings are evidence of evolution. Does the Bible give a different perspective? What are the implications of datin...
How do miracles mesh with the laws of nature? Does God break His own law? Perform science so advanced it looks like magic? Or is He sovereign over...
Spiritual abuse by church leaders is a serious matter. How should believers respond to abusers living among us?
Jesus performed healings to prove he was Messiah and gifted the Apostles to heal as well. If healings were never the focus of his ministry, should...
What differentiates a false prophet from a prophet sent by God? A case study, using the Nigerian 'prophet' TB Joshua.