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Search results for: End-Times
34 results found.
4 pages of results.
Eschatology is a legitimate field of study. But it's more important to know where you stand with Christ than to know the details of His return.
Eschatology is a legitimate field of study. But it's more important to know where you stand with Christ than to know the detail of His return.
Are the Blood Moons a sign of the End Times? Is something significant about to happen to Israel? Or is it just an astronomical anomaly?
Will May 21, 2011 be the end of the world? What is the biblical basis for predicting an end times event on 05/21/2011?
Does the recent agreement with the UN set up Iran to send a nuclear attack against Israel? Is a nuclear Iran in the End Times?
6. Nineveh
We know we're to forgive our enemies. But do we have the faith to rescue the authors of our future destruction?
I hope the Mayans were right about the end of the world. I will gladly serve God for the rest of my life, but this world is not my home.
Does the pope have anything to do with the end times? Will the next pope, or a future pope, be the antichrist? Why does the resignation of the pop...
God will judge the nations. Just as He judged nations that threatened Israel in the Old Testament, He will judge all nations in the End Times.
The timing of Jesus' prophecies in the 'Olivet Discourse' is confusing. Some seemed to be fulfilled by the fall of Jerusalem, but where does the a...