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Search results for: Christian-Life
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69 pages of results.
He is Risen! But what does that mean for us? How can we experience the resurrection of Jesus in our lives?
The Christian life isn't about a singular event that suddenly erases hardships and causes us to be perfect. It's a long journey of learning, under...
The movie 'Philomena' shows the worst of adoption. But there are other stories. What happens when kids and parents get real?
No matter what our circumstances, and no matter what our relationship is with others, we have no excuse: the wide-open, spacious life reflects the...
2 Corinthians 6 gives us no excuse -- the believer must reflect the grace and love of Christ regardless of the circumstances.
There is no excuse -- the freedom of the wide-open space requires the character of Christ and a heart that is equal parts holy and love.
There is no excuse -- the wide-open spaces give us the freedom to have relationships driven by God's truth, not others' actions.
8. Mercy
We hear a lot about grace. We pray for grace. We try to be gracious. But very often what we need is mercy -- to receive a pardon, not a blessing; ...
In John 9, Jesus not only healed the blind beggar's eyes, He anointed them. What does it mean to have anointed eyes?
10. Nineveh
We know we're to forgive our enemies. But do we have the faith to rescue the authors of our future destruction?